Located in the beautiful Oley Valley
Check out our horse shows, facility, and more!
SUPER excited to announce our partnership with Equesun Breeches! Fashionable Breeches for unique riders! CHECK OUT their site to order a pair today!!
Devoucoux- Quality saddles (offering New and used)
Kadie Walmer- for all your INSURANCE need kadie@kadiewalmeragency.com
Equesun Breeches! GORGEOUS breeches that are unique in style!
Zandona'-So excited to announce I am now an Ambassador -promoter for Zandona'! Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information on their products! They give amazing tendon support. As an Ambassador-Promoter I can give you the ability to try their products with a 30% discount on your first order.
Check it out: hhttps://www.zandona.net/ and at the check out enter code: AFFILIATE-MTPE-9J9HSZ
Locked and Loaded 4/17/2010-2/22/2022
Myron 2/22/2008-2/15/2022
Rocket Fuel 5/08/1993-9/29/2019
Dancer 3/23/81-8/23/2018
LandiLand 1/1991-8/28-2018
Victory 6/10/98-12/31/17
Drifter 1/2/1983- 1/7/2012
Camilla 5/08/2006- 1/7/2012
Dusty 4/07/1982- 8/08/2012
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